
Board Member On-Demand Training Series
Added:07/16/2024 13:11

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Board Member On-Demand Training Series

Series Description

Board Member Responsibilities – Tammy Rogers
Great. You’ve said yes to being a board member… But what does that really mean? Many new board members – and even some longtime board members – don’t fully understand what it means to serve on a board. And they have questions like:

  • What’s my role and purpose?
  • What is oversight and what is over-stepping?
  • I know I’ll be voting at board meetings – but what should my opinions be based on?
  • What is the “stuff” the board should be prioritizing and what “stuff” can we let go?
  • Outside of decision-making what else am I responsible for?

This presentation walks you through the 10 responsibilities of being a good board member.

Recruiting Board Members – Tammy Rogers
It’s not unusual for boards to get a little stale. You know the story. The same group of board members end up having the same conversations. Which leads to a repeat of the same priorities and decisions as last year. Welcome to the status quo. Recruiting new board members is one way to shatter the status quo. If you want to bring additional perspectives and ideas to your board this session will help you:

  • Determine what you are looking for in a new board member
  • Provide you with places to find great candidates
  • Develop a standardized recruiting process
  • Onboard new members so that they can add value – sooner

Understanding Financial Systems and Capital in Long-Term Care – Jeff Steggerda
This presentation offers a strategic exploration of financial management essentials for long-term care facilities. Critical topics such as understanding revenue, cash flow, and cost management will be discussed as well as rate setting and planning cycles for Medicare, Medicaid, private pay, and other rate programs. The presentation concludes with an overview of the current status of capital markets and availability of funding.

Compliance Programs – Becki Brommel
This presentation will review the board’s role in compliance, the legal requirements for compliance programs and the seven core elements of a compliance program.  You will learn best practices for ensuring that “compliance starts at the top” with the board.

Risk Management in Long-Term Care – Kendall Watkins
Iowa nursing facilities, like facilities across the nation, have seen an increase in both the number of lawsuits as well as large jury verdicts. This presentation will cover an overview of recent verdicts, unique aspects of long-term care litigation, nature of frequent claims, how attorneys evaluate and develop a claim, and effective risk management strategies including the boards’ role in risk management.

Registration Fees

Members:       $50 per facility
Non-Members:   $150 per facility

Speaker Bios

Tammy Rogers has held Vice President titles in both Human Resources and Operations. She has written five books. She is a certified coach, has led 200+ employees in remote offices from Boston to Los Angeles, and has had the opportunity to both succeed AND fail spectacularly. Tammy is best known for helping leaders experience “Aha” moments in order to develop new ways of thinking, new attitudes and new behaviors that transfer to the real world. And throughout Tammy’s 40+ year career, she has partnered with hundreds of companies – both large and small – to help them improve results through the building of people, processes and procedures.

Jeff Steggerda is a Reimbursement Consultant and President of Brighton Consulting Group.  Jeff has worked in the long-term care profession since 1986.  He began working with IHCA in 1993 as a Reimbursement Consultant.  His roles for IHCA have included creating and maintaining several informational databases to support the quality, finance, and data objectives of the association.  Jeff is a CPA, receiving a BBA degree.  His career path includes public accounting and positions as Director of Accounting with regional long term care companies.

Rebecca A. (Becki) Brommel is a partner in Health Care Litigation at Dorsey & Whitney. Becki regularly assists health care clients, including nursing facilities, assisted living, independent living and other continuing care or senior services providers with regulatory citations and regulatory compliance. These matters often involve negotiating with government agencies and licensing boards and if necessary, challenging the actions of such agencies through administrative and legal processes. Becki also assists health care providers with general contract and payment disputes.  Becki is a regular speaker for Iowa Health Care Association members in the areas of regulatory citations and appeals, involuntary discharges, dealing with difficult family situations, payment collection issues and risk assessment and mitigation issues. Becki is a graduate of Drake University and Drake Law School and has been practicing in Iowa for over 20 years.

Kendall Watkins has been a long-term care health lawyer since 1990. His practice includes representation of health care providers in regulatory matters, responding to government investigations and malpractice litigation.  Ken received his B.A. degree from Knox College and his J.D. degree from Drake University Law School, where he served on the Drake Law Review.


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